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People are the heart of any successful organisation. Developing the people to maximise their potential is vital in ensuring the delivery of the business objectives and goals key to the survival of any organisation.


What is Talent Management and where does it sit in the HR structure? The answer is that it depends on the company. At JM Consulting, we define Talent Management as:

  • Providing the expertise to understand the skills and capabilities required to deliver the business strategy.

  • Providing frameworks and succession such as behavioural competencies,  succession planning frameworks, talent evaluation tools, and processes.

Leadership Development sits hand in glove with Talent Management. Once the skills and abilities needed to lead the company are defined, L&D is responsible for creating the necessary tools, coaching, and interventions necessary to develop current and future leaders. We design and develop bespoke training and workshops in a variety of areas required in leadership, again weaving in the companies' identified values, behaviours, and processes such as recruitment and performance management.


One of the most important human needs is to feel valued. Employee engagement is about giving the people a voice and most importantly listening to what they say and demonstrating that they have been heard through the resulting actions and strategies. Getting the right employee engagement should be a partnership between the business, HR, communications, and the workforce. Human beings are tribal and each tribe has its own ways of being and communicating. At JM consulting we can help with cultural alignment if needed as having strong values and a clear way of working while embracing difference is very important to a productive diverse inclusive company.


Coaching takes many forms, executive, mentoring, peer, and reverse coaching (graduate coaches senior line). It can be a very effective part in both the development of the individual's career path and an objective ‘ear and steer’ to senior management.

One of the key drivers to successful coaching is the chemistry between both coach and client. Because we have a large network of highly qualified and experienced coaches we are confident we can find the right match for almost every situation. If it's mentoring you need then we can design and implement mentorship programs designed for your company.

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