To operate successfully in the fast-moving world we all inhabit it is important to have the correct operating model and organisational structure. Although change is sometimes necessary, the disruption it brings with it needs to be carefully managed for the sake of the business and the people.

Our organisational design process is a structured methodology which enables companies to identify problem areas such as end-to-end business processes, organisational structures, or systems. We can enable your business to create innovative ways to achieve your strategic objectives and then develop plans to implement the changes. In today’s economic climate organisations are constantly in a state of change. It is vital to change in a way that causes the least disruption and loss of motivation to the workforce. We can offer expertise in both the ‘hard’ or tangible side: restructures and processes or in the ‘soft’ or intangible side: culture and environment.
We can:
Create the OD design and implementation for whole organisations or per specific function
Create and design bespoke process re-design for any of the processes in the HR end-to-end career cycle
Create start-up HR functions for small SME businesses
Create, design, and implement the HR side of total company restructures to include redundancy and redeployment
Create bespoke workshops for the softer areas involved with change: culture, conflict management, team building, etc

Choice can sometimes be a difficult thing. In days gone by, when the retirement age was set, although always a huge step change for the individual, the choice as to when to make this life-changing decision was made for you. Now in many cases it is down to individual choice. HR has a big role to play in this as trusted advisor both to provide technical knowledge of the process and component parts and sometimes as a coach to provide an empathetic ear to those transitioning to the next stage of their life.

We believe making people redundant should always be the less favourite part of any HR professional's job, but sadly is sometimes necessary. To do it effectively and elegantly requires a multitude of technical and behavioural skills;
Compensation and benefits
Process design
Engagement and empathy